Mäkkelä & Nova
Bilateral cooperation between Finland, Bavaria, Berlin and class-A-madness.
As they hit the road for their famous “Double-Agent-Road-Show” about once a year, it can’t be too long until their next super-secret mission brings them close to your place. No matter where that may be…
“Die zwei bestgekleidetsten Irren der gegenwärtigen Singer/Songwriter Szene beginnen ihre Deutschlandreise hier. Im Anker. Schön.” – Anker Bernhausen
“Die beiden, immer höchst geschmackvoll gekleideten, Herren Nova & Mäkkelä haben sich auf ihren beiden gemeinsamen Touren 2009 & 2010 ganze Wagenladungen voll Herzen gewonnen.” – St. Pauli Talstrasse
“Gents are back in town… Or rather say Mäkkelä & Nova kommen in die Gänge? Those two well dressed lunatics of class A lofi-entertainment having a mindblowing night of advanced singer/songwriter/lofi-blues amusement somewhere in the countryside near Braunschweig…” – M.
More about the convicted and self-declared saviours of the world on their Facebook page!