Grae J. Wall, Dez Paradise & Clark Nova on Tour in Germany

The return of the UK guys and I bet they still can’t get their hands off of German police women

What a tour schedule. OK, could be more gigs but that’s the way it goes. Speaking of ways, this is ours: Berlin – Hamburg – Berlin – Hessenau – Ankerhausen.. erm: Filderstadt. It is absolutely necessary that you come. If you don’t – who does?

A click on the title of the Event will bring you directly to the event in Facebook where you can express your excellent time management skills by confirming your presence right away!

June 6th, THU, Berlin Neukölln | Ma Thilda

Nice place I discovered just some weeks ago: Actually like a bar with live music has got to look, feel and smell like. We’ll go there directly from the airport in order to soften the landing. Be with us for a drink or five! 

June 7th, FRI, Hamburg St. Pauli | Hasenschaukel

Hasenschaukel. Has been teaching how to swing the rabbit for more than eight years now. Time for Grae, Dez and me to swing by. 

June 10th, MON, Berlin Kreuzberg | Cafe Kreuzberg

Now, this is looks like it is going to be a very special Berlin gig. Wonder why? Here’s three reasons: 1. It’s on a Monday where everyone – including you – has no plans for the evening; 2. It’s just around the corner from wherever you are (if you are in Kreuzberg but where else should you be?); 3. It will be one of your favourite water holes as it is already one of yours. Downside: They only have small beer. But very good one though.

June 12th, WED, Hessenau | Pferdegerippehang

Weather forecast for Hessenau on June 13th says there was a chance of thunderstorm. I wonder whether the forecaster was having some kind of doubt about us 3 arriving? We would say that it is a tad more that a chance that we’ll arrive – especially since we learned that the venue is called ‘Pferdegerippehang’ (horse carcass slope?), that the name of the town is actually just a street and that Erich A. is said to live in that area.

CORRECT DATE IS: WEDNESDAY 12th!!! Everything else is just not true.

June 14th, FRI, Nürnberg | Hemdendienst

Shirt Service. A service we might be in bad need for by the time we arrive. Also internets tell me that this venue is actually in a former lost property office. In a public bath. Intermediary use, of course. 

June 15th, SAT, Filderstadt-Bernhausen | Anker Bernhausen

Anker. Danish/Norwegian surname. Can be a given name also. So in case you believe in inkarnation, there is a slight chance your new name will be Anker Anker. They might even ask you before sending you back down here, depending on the balance on your karma account I guess. Thinking of that I started toying with the idea that my musician friends get reborn and chose their new name: Anker J. Anker for example. Or Anker Ankerdise. Or Ankle Ank. Or Ankki Änkkelä. Or Anki Ankertupang. Or…

Well, lets just wait and see.

Btw: Here is Grae J. in Barcelona.

Greetings from Hamburg


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